in the Shopware backend embeds itself seamlessly into the Shopware backend.

After installing and configuring the plugin, MailBeez is seamlessly embedded in the Shopware 5 / 6 backend.

MailBeez im Shopware 6 Backend

MailBeez in Shopware Backend

The system can be accessed at any time via the menu item Marketing > MailBeez without having to switch to an external website.

Full support for language and sub shops

Language-based sub-shops

An unlimited number of language shops can be managed per instance - these appear in MailBeez as a language variant.

In detail: In the Shopware data model, all language-Shop customers belong to the main shop. Shopware assigns the appropriate language-based sub-shop ID so that the language information is available for each customer.

Generic sub-shops

Each sub-shop requires a dedicated instance. When opening MailBeez in Shopware, the desired instance can be selected.

In detail: Shopware divides data (customers, orders) strictly according to sub-shop ID, so sub-shops are completely separated from each other.


The following campaign modules are currently available for Shopware in

According to the concept of MailBeez, all emails can be enriched with powerful content elements, e.g .:

  • Live Content
    Personalized product recommendations such as New products, also purchased products
  • Product Hero
    Assistant for inserting product display including image processing

Please note:

According to § 7 Abs. 3 UWG customers can be contacted under certain circumstances by email without consent. However, the customer must be able to unsubscribe.

Shopware does not record (see details below) which customers have actively unsubscribed from a newsletter or have objected to the use of the email address. This means that customers who have already objected may be contacted again. In order to avoid trouble here, we recommend sending an initial information email via which customers can quickly and easily unsubscribe from further emails - we will of course be happy to help you personally.

Clean logging with MailBeez signup widget

With the easy and flexible to integrate MailBeez newsletter registration the process of capturing email addresses is optimized for both customers and prospects: Subscriptions and unsubscriptions are logged and the capturing of optional data such as first and last name and title takes place progressively.

Alternatively, the MailBeez Newsletter API can be used to register email addresses for newsletter opt-ins.

The MailBeez system "understands" when prospects become customers. You can address them separately and in a targeted manner, e.g. Submit attractive offers to prospects.

Missing logging of unsubscriptions in detail

In Shopware, subscriptions and unsubscriptions to newsletters are handled as follows:

  • Opt-ins for newsletters are saved with an email address in the table s_campaigns_mailaddresses
  • If the recipient unsubscribes later, the entry is deleted from the s_campaigns_mailaddresses table.
  • It is therefore not possible to determine who has logged off.

Technical details

No slowdown of the Shopware backend

The MailBeez API and the Shopware Connector were developed from the ground up according to the following principles:

  • No or the least possible impairment of the working speed in the backend, as e.g. would happen when editing events synchronously
  • Align changes to customer or order data as quickly as possible

To achieve this, all data synchronization processes are processed asynchronously and fast delta synchronizations are carried out for the relevant data.

Minimal database footprint

Since the server controls the complex data synchronization processes, only a few data need to be managed in the Shopware database.
During plug-in installation, the table s_plugin_mailbeez_sync is created, in which meta data for data synchronization is saved.
To support the fast delta synchronization, some triggers are created.

When the plugin is uninstalled, the minor changes made to the database are undone.

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Summertime! Limited support until 5th of August